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First Strides® - North Myrtle Beach Workshop

Spring 2024: Thursday, February 29th through Thursday, May 9th Little River, SC 29566 US Directions

25 Basic Etiquette Rules for Striding - Part 3

Race Day Rules

Racing means sharing a course with many other striders, so be respectful of your fellow competitors, race staff, and volunteers, along with private and public property along the route. Most importantly, participate with integrity. While this might seem obvious, some people are tempted to cut the course or stride with someone else’s bib number. It's not allowed, so just don't do it.

• Choose your starting point wisely. Allow faster striders to take the lead. Slower striders should start at the back.
• Don't carry loose change or a set of keys in your pocket. Although the constant jingling or clanging may not bother you, it could annoy those who are striding near you.
• Don't drop clothing along a race course or jogging path, especially on someone's private property, unless the race allows. It's common during cold weather for striders to layer up with winter striding hats, gloves, and jackets, then discard clothes as the race goes on. Many larger races have clothing donation partners to recycle clothes.
• Don't toss trash such as water bottles, gel, or bar wrappers on the ground. An exception to this is if you're near an aid station. In that case, volunteers expect to pick up discarded water cups.
• Keep your fluids to yourself. If you need to spit, blow your nose, or throw up, move to the side of the road and do it there, if you can't get to a port-a-potty in time.
• Move to the side before slowing down to walk or stopping to tie your shoe, stretch, or take a drink from your water bottle.
• Signal to those behind you if you're going to slow down or start to walk. This prevents striders behind you from having to maneuver around you.
• Signal your pass if you need to squeeze through a tight space to pass another strider. This is especially important if the strider ahead of you is wearing headphones.
• Stay to the back of the pack if you are walking or jogging in a group, striding with a pet, or jogging with a stroller (when allowed). While this may be a fun stride for you, it may be a competitive event for those around you.
• Wear your bib number as directed. Most races require you to wear the number on your front.
• Keep moving through the finish line when you complete your race. Even if you are exhausted, you risk getting hit by other striders if you stop right away.

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